Period Dream Meaning – Dreams About Menstruation islamic-intrepretation

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Hazrat Ibn Sirin first said that in dreams, menstruation signifies sustenance for men and prosperity in livelihood for men. However, for women, it indicates an increase in wealth. If one sees menstruation in a dream, it is a sign of corruption and sinful behavior. Interpretations suggest that if someone dreams of menstruation, it indicates intense sorrow. If a woman dreams of having her period, it signifies that her worldly affairs will come to a halt. If someone sees that the dreamer is hidden, it suggests astonishment in religion. If the dreamer sees a woman who has become pure and has performed ritual bathing after menstruation, it indicates that her worldly affairs will be eased. Allah knows best. #islamic-interpretation

Dreaming about menstruation or being on your period can symbolize a pressing issue or an unpleasant situation in your life that demands your complete focus. It indicates a personal problem that cannot be overlooked. It's a signal that you need to prepare yourself for an upcoming event or challenge. If the period in your dream is heavy, with a lot of blood, it suggests that the issues you're facing are urgent and require swift action to resolve.

It's crucial to pay attention to your emotions when you dream about having your period, as they often reflect your attitudes towards unwanted problems. For instance, feeling unhappy about your period in a dream might symbolize discomfort with unwanted requests, such as relatives you dislike asking you to visit.

Dreaming of having your period out of sync with your actual cycle could indicate anxiety about fertility, perhaps stemming from worries about pregnancy. Conversely, a missed or late period in a dream might hint at concerns about pregnancy. Alternatively, dreaming about your menstrual cycle could highlight a denial of your feminine side, with your subconscious reminding you of your identity as a young woman.

Dreaming of pretending to have your period suggests a desire to avoid confrontation by feigning circumstances. For example, pretending to menstruate to skip swimming classes at school.If you're pregnant and dream of having your period, it's a reminder to take things slowly and avoid activities that could harm you or your unborn child.

For older individuals in menopause, dreaming of menstruating may symbolize a return to youthful vitality or reflect on how you handled issues in your younger years.

Dreaming of your period ending signifies the release of built-up tension and the start of a more relaxed phase.

Finding your clothing soaked in menstrual blood in a dream suggests being stuck in a repetitive cycle and holding onto the past, possibly due to concerns about attractiveness or how others perceive you.

Experiencing abdominal cramps in a dream without actually menstruating may indicate unnecessary worry without a valid reason.
خواب میں حیض دیکھنے کی تعبیر
 حضرت ابن سیرین پہلے نے فرمایا ہے کہ خواب میں حیض مردوں کے لیے معیشت مردوں کے لیے معیشت میں بقاء ہے اور عورتوں کے لیے مال کی زیادتی ہے۔ اور اگر دیکھے کہ حیض آیا ہے تو فساد اورحرام کی دلیل ہے۔ اور اہل تعبیر نے بیان کیا ہے کہ اگر خواب میں دیکھے کہ حیض آیا ہے۔ تو اندوہ سختی کی دلیل ہے اور اگر عورت دیکھے کہ اس کو حیض آیا ہے دلیل ہے کہ اس پر دنیا کا کام بند ہو جائے گا۔ اور اگر دیکھے کہ صاحب خواب مستور ہے۔ دلیل ہے کہ دین میں حیران ہوگا۔ اور اگر دیکھے کہ اس کی عورت پاک ہوئی اور اس نے حیض کے بعد غسل کیا ہے دلیل ہے کہ اس پر دنیا کے کام کشادہ گے۔ اور اللہ تعالیٰ خوب جانتا ہے۔